
Vivian & Ken

但求一人心,白首不相離,感謝Chee's Wedding為我們的用心準備,讓通往婚紗之路,沒有顧慮和擔憂。 巴厘島在心中留下了的皆是美好,沉甸甸的相冊裡,眼中倒映著彼此的新人,即將攜手共赴此生。感謝曾有你們的守護。

Yang Hui Hong & Fei Jia

Chee’s Wedding愛.婚旅的服務很好,工作人員都很有親和力,在輕鬆的氛圍中認真地完成我們的拍攝,後期的照片及相冊製作也都很美~ 給你們大大的讚哦!感謝你們的貼心服務,辛苦咯~

Shou & Guo Dong

感謝chee's wedding愛.婚旅的帥哥美女們,從點點滴滴中,都能感覺到你們的真誠和專業。 謝謝你們給我們留下了一段美好的回憶,希望以後能常聯繫哦~ 也希望chee's wedding愛.婚旅越來越好,把美好幸福的影像留在這個星球的每個角落。

Ruo Bing & Zhong Qi

很偶然發現了Chee’s Wedding愛.婚旅,很全面了解了Chee’s Wedding愛.婚旅,很慶幸選擇了Chee’s Wedding愛.婚旅,這大概可以概括我們與Chee’s Wedding愛.婚旅的故事~~非常開心認識了你們,非常敬業,很為客戶著想,給了我們很多很好的建議,在現場遇到問題的時候也很及時的幫我們解決~~ 整個Chee’s Wedding愛.婚旅的團隊帶給了我們一個非常美好的婚禮,後期的照片視頻及相冊油畫的製作也很精緻,看過的親友們都各種點贊~~ 甚至還有朋友看到我們的照片以後,也選擇了來Chee’s Wedding愛.婚旅舉辦他們的婚禮,這也更加證明了Chee’s Wedding愛.婚旅的實力哦~~


We are very satisfied with the service provided and we enjoy the whole trip very much. I would like to give my special thanks to Peggy who give us fantastic advice and by her helps, we’ve got one of the happiest memories in our life.


Good arrangements for our trip. The shooting crew is sincere, detail-minded, professional and nice.


Having had a bad experience with a local wedding planning company, we were lucky enough to have found Chee’s wedding and still be on schedule for our overseas wedding in Bali.Not only were the staff helpful, they also tried to reverse our misfortune into providing an unforgettable wedding for us under such short notice. Their friendly attitude is commendable!The follow up and continued friendliness after the wedding also left us feeling that we had gained a few more friends after our memorable wedding.I wish them all the best and hope they can continue to expand in helping couples achieving their dream weddings as they did for us!Thanks for all that you have done for us and making special efforts for us!


當我地睇到這次拍攝嘅幾張預告片時,瞬間起曬雞皮… 從曼谷影到華欣,從日出影到日落再影埋日出,全程由攝影師為你以抓拍形式制定一個專屬於你兩公婆的愛情故事!感謝Chee's Wedding 愛·婚旅專業攝影團隊,你地嘅敬業精神同用心做事嘅風格,令我哋萬分敬佩!好開心終於擁有一套我夢寐以求嘅相冊和美好嘅回憶,終生難忘!明年Chee's Family再見!


We would like to express biggest thank you to Peggy, Stella, Yuki, Keith and their team in giving us a perfect (say it out loud from a Chinese who general less expressive than Western) wedding trip at Bali. Same to any wedding preparation process there were surely some obstacles during the process but i think Chee’s not only showing they are the wedding advisor but someone who can talk sincerely and the can really stand from customer’s point of view to deal with issues, this is very important as this is a “heart” business, what Chee’s did is something that they can differentiate themselves from the other wedding consultants. Chee’s- please keep up the good work and I am sure that when you see us smile, you are smiling too.


安排好好,照顧客人的每個需要,包括客人想到或想不到的事情。~好體貼~Thank you for making us a perfect wedding!