
Ms Zheng & Mr Wong

非常滿意Chee's Wedding的服務,拍攝過程很細心和滿意。

Jessie & Joe

非常感謝Chee‘s wedding峇里島攝影團隊以及香港的Maggie和Peggy 專業嘅意見和服務,為我們在峇里島影到好靚的照片和留下美好的回憶。從見到FB廣告、上去佢哋office了解,然後到峇里島影相,相隔只有短短一個月時間,但Maggie和Peggy井然有序咁推薦拍攝路線比我哋同埋好細心幫我哋揀選禮服,仲分享左好多在峇里島拍照的經驗同Tips。拍攝當日,當地團隊準時到達我們入住的酒店,幫手化妝熨禮服,傾計得知原來隊crew 同Chee‘s wedding合作左十多年。拍攝過程中,氣氛自然輕鬆,攝影師佢哋還會親自示範一些好浪漫的動作給我哋參考。雖然傍晚突然落大雨而提早「收工」,但Video組同事仍跟我哋返酒店拍片錄音以確保清晰的收音效果。整個拍攝在輕鬆愉快的氣氛中順利完成,再次多謝咁多位在這次婚攝過程中的付出。

Eva & Anthony

由2月決定影相開始,我地搵過幾間去峇里影相既pre wedding公司,無意中發現Chee's嘅作品同評價幾好咁,所以就諗住約上去問下詳情,無諗過我準備好想問嘅問題,係講解package果陣已經清晰講哂(本人最怕收費方面,免得之後有出入),而價錢亦係我地預算之內,所以當日就決定chee's幫我地安排今次嘅pre wedding。期間好好咁remind同跟進進度,當中雖然都會有出問題嘅時候,而每次都好快幫我地盡快解決,令我地好放心,到影相當日佢地安排個隊crew有成10個人~個個又好nice,拍攝整日氣氛都唔錯。完成一天嘅拍攝之後,估唔到晚上收到Maggie 嘅whatsapp,問我地今日影相感受同原來佢已經知道今日個影相過程, 好盡責呀,再次謝謝Chee's各位

Stephanie & Asher

Chee's wedding pre-wedding 事後感
佢2地既分數係100分滿分 我俾128分 有時間先睇落去
比較長篇 因為一生人一次要考慮很多
初時在網上 婚展 任何平台 開始找海外婚禮既資料 進行格價 問左約20間 
其中chee's 係WhatsApp 覆得我最快 而我都問左好多野
價錢唔算最平 但我就係想要好既服務比較多 
其他公司又慢覆 又無耐性
煩惱當日 Chee's wedding 主動聯絡我 都係唯一一間咁主動 
我都不厭其煩再問佢地pre wedding 事宜 
幸運地遇上佢地十週年優惠 價錢很便宜 俾娘娘睇過佢地提供既相 都好滿意
所以就決定上門 再問清楚
去到好詳盡解釋 明碼實價 張單幾多就幾多 我既角度 已經滿意 當地有自己crew 送本相簿又靚 相又全部可以要返,到娘娘既角度 chee's mark低晒佢想化既妝 想整既頭 試埋首飾俾當地 包唔會錯
同試衫 佢地唔算多衫 百幾件 娘娘試左半日 佢地都仲俾佢試 仲有三個staff幫佢著衫 娘娘都好快選好 而選好 都共上左去三次 只為度身 
而佢地又俾到好專業既意見我地點先著得靚 鞋都幫我地襯埋
男同女既衫真係度到岩 改到岩先拎得 佢地都唔會覺煩 
仲因為十週年俾優惠價我地買埋半日拍攝… …最後唔加錢變左全日拍
到去到Bali 全程都仲會教埋點做 聯絡 d婚紗點放 
到當日影相 隊crew 多人到呢 一行10人 我見當地都有人影緊 都係得3'4個人 未影已經贏晒
化妝師同攝影師一早到左 化好set好又會問我地滿唔滿意 可以改
影果時 提供埋水俾我地 教埋點擺pose 專車接送 又有個私家帳篷俾娘娘換衫 好堅
又一開始報名到影果日 都繼續想找chee's 既不足之處 但奈何找唔到 
本來天文台話會落雨 到影當日又陽光好到呢 連天氣都怪唔到佢地
影緊果時 我都知一定會滿意 攝影師 化妝師專業 景又靚 
到返香港 我地都仲好有賓至如歸既感覺
我以為應該去多一次chee's 拎相就搞店
點知佢話要上多幾次 選相 睇相 到執完相 拎相簿等等
未影之前上去都會覺得又會sale我 加下錢等等 點知咩都無 真係一個價錢上去煩佢地二十次
到依家拎完相 睇完⋯ 真係影得好靚 仲要未執
今次係我同娘娘既幸運 遇上一家好公司 
衷心多謝 Maggie Peggy Nicole
無諗過 香港會有咁既公司 我地希望應該得到既 最後係得到更多

Jen & Ray

這整個接洽過程真的很感謝Chee’s Wedding~因為家庭因素一直拖延~ 然後我有任何問題有求必應 真的感到很貼心 去到巴里島以後也很貼心的有翻譯人員~ 化妝師也很可以溝通 很認真的幫我變化髮型 因為他還懷孕了 真的是很辛苦攝影師也太過認真 哈 只是在villa拍裸照屁屁 就拍了兩個小時 會一直找角度 以及位置叫我去拍 非常認真唷然後去到海邊以後 拍攝駱駝 比較可惜的是 因為有一隻駱駝生病了 所以沒拍到幾張兩隻駱駝合體的 比較傷心一點 ㄏ麻煩你們了 真的很謝謝你們的幫忙以及辛苦拍攝 這趟旅程很放鬆也很快樂 看到照片也是很興奮ㄏ 圓了跟駱駝拍照的夢想 哈 謝謝你們^^~~

Mr.Lai & Mrs. Lai

Thanks Chee’s Wedding for the amazing pre-wedding photos, nice shoot and nice make-up. The days we were in Bali for the photos are our most wonderful and unforgettable memories.


We would like to thank Chee’s Wedding for an amazing pre-wedding photo-shoot. Planning a wedding can be very stressful so professionals like Chee’s Wedding really helped us.The make-up artist and photography crew that journeyed with us were very professional. Yanny, our make-up artist knew exactly what I wanted and I loved my hair and makeup. Our photographers, Sonny and Adeet, were very knowledgeable and guided us throughout on how to pose to get the best shot.Despite the damp and cold weather, there was nothing they wouldn’t do to get the best picture for each location we were at. We went to the waterfall and one of the staff climbed all the way down with us and guided us along the slippery path. The other photographer laid on the ground on the opposite damp field for more than half-an-hour under an umbrella with a poncho in order to get the best angle.We weren’t able to visit every location we had hoped due to the weather conditions. The crew were very understanding and shared our disappointment. They very kindly offered to come back the next day to help us take more photographs at the locations we had missed.In the end, our crew captured stunning photographs of us, of the dresses and of the scenery. From looking at the photos, it is impossible to tell it rained or that we only experienced a little sunshine.We also have to say a big thank you to the team in Hong Kong, Peggy, Yuki and Keith. Yuki, for all your advice on hairstyles, jewellery and dresses. Peggy, for all your advice on the wedding, suggestions on where to visit in Bali, the best sites for our photos, what to bring to Bali, how to prepare in advance for our trip. Keith, for the stunning photo editing.We are so pleased to have chosen to take our pre-wedding photos with Chee’s Wedding and would recommend them to all our family, friends and anyone else we come across as they will go out of their way to ensure the best experience! Thanks team!


We would like to thanks Chee’s Wedding for providing an once-in-a-lifetime experience in the pre-wedding photo shooting in Bali.We feel that the photo shoot experience is more unique and memorable if done overseas.Special thanks to Peggy and Yuki who have provided us lots of good suggestions for our planning of this photo shoot.The make-up artist and photograghers are really help ful and professional.We would definitely recommend our friends and relatives to go for an overseas photo shoot by Chee’s Wedding!


攝影師&化妝師專業友善-影相時能拍到完美的人和景-本港公司的職員有禮,並且提供適當的建議-在整個過程中沒有被【Hard Sell】的壓力


好開心係Chee’s Wedding度影左一輯好靚又滿意既婚紗相呀!首先要多謝Peggy & Francis,你地真係好nice,好好傾,第一次見面既時候已經好似識左好耐咁,好感激你地係出發前比左好多既意見我地,會因應我地想影相既地方選擇左影相既路線,節省左車程既時間,令到影相既時間好充裕。亦教左我地影相既時候需要留意既地方,同埋需要準備既事情。除左影相,你地亦介紹左Bali值得去既地方,令到我地成個trip都覺得好好玩,一d都唔悶,仲覺得d時間唔夠用添呀…亦要多謝Esther,好用心咁為我地d相簿張羅,我地對d相簿真係好滿意….仲要讚吓Bali整隊既攝影師同make up,因為佢地既專業,我地先可以影到咁靚既人同景,佢地成team人凝做輕鬆既氣氛,令我地一d都唔緊張,捕捉到我地最自然既一面,我地好enjoy當日整個影相既過程,到第二日,收到CD過一刻,睇到相,即時“嘩”….左一聲,因為冇諗過D相咁靚靚呀…….所以我地用左成2個月既時間先揀到相呀……