
Carlomen & Cheyan

我們於2010年11月逛婚展時認識Chee’s Wedding的, 第一眼已經被安籐忠雄設計的水之教堂深深吸引住, 所以, 我們決定到北海道拍攝屬於我們的Pre-Wedding相片。由於我們選擇於下雪季節進行拍攝, 起初我們真有點擔心拍攝會否順利進行, 幸好香港的Chee’s Wedding同事細心安排所有流程、婚紗及禮服等, 更於我們出發前提醒我們須留意的地方, 令我們放心出發。在日本北海道Tomamu渡期村的幾天, 過得非常開心、難忘。日本當地的接待員非常親切有禮, 表現亦很專業。在此, 想讚賞你們的服務, 令我們擁有一次相當難忘的日本Pre-Wedding之旅。我仲想多謝出發前細心為我們Pack好拍攝禮服、飾物的Yuki。回港後, 亦想多謝Keith幫我們整理精美的相簿及音樂DVD。如果有朋友結婚, 一定向他們推介你們的服務!Thank you so much to Chee’s Wedding Team ! ;)


Before the photo shooting, Chee’s Wedding provided considerable advice for us in choosing suitable attire and selecting different spot site so that the schedule for the photo shooting could be carried out efficiently. A valuable preparation list did really help reminding us to keep our best condition to enjoy the journey. After arriving Bali, the shooting crew was really nice and helpful. They could show their enthusiasm in providing us the best services. Other than photo shooting, they gave us many travelling tips in Bali so that our trip became more fantastic. For the post-photo shooting services such as photo selection and photo modification, Keith was very cooperative and gave us some opinions in accordance with his experience. We are absolutely highly satisfactory with the final products.