

Albert and I had a great time doing the photo shot with Chee’s Wedding…, we really enjoyed our time with the crew. Yanny did my makeup and hair and it was wonderful, as I forgot to bring my pictures on the hairstyle and makeup, but it turned out just as I expected. She also did magic on the makeup, as I was really sick prior to going to Bali, with horrible dark eye circle, not only did she make me look beautiful, but you couldn’t tell that I was sick at all. And the makeup was not too heavy, it was just right. And thank you so much for wiping all the sweat off of me, it was a very hot and humid day, and we really felt bad that the whole crew were under the beating of the sun together with us for so long.The photographers took our pictures together, at first we were a bit shy and really didn’t give them a lot to go for. They started making jokes, and we were a lot more at ease and started having fun. They also helped and directed us on how to do the photos, and it was all very natural, nothing posed like in a studio. Most of our friends commented on how great the pictures looked and how natural it looked (they mentioned that it looked like someone who took a very romantic daily picture). Although the crew might have had a bit of a challenge dealing with Albert’s hair, since it was so long, and the beach was very windy, the pictures turned out great, and my man looked very handsome. And we especially loved the infrared pictures, as they looked so surreal and absolutely stunning. We also had fun chatting with the crew about Bali, and many many fun topics.I also have to thank Francis and Peggy for their patience and can-do attitude. Since I was abroad, Francis was patient enough to answer time and time again my thousands of questions, and Esther was very nice and patient on helping me to try out all the different dresses. Although I would have loved to meet Francis (since he was so patient with me… trust me not a lot of man can tolerate me, Albert can definitely vouch for that), Peggy helped us out in his absence. Loved the ginger tea and snacks touch, since we couldn’t make lunch prior to going to try out the dresses, it absolutely saved me and Albert from being yelled at by my mom.Really we have nothing bad to say about our experience….. It was really all very good.


First of all, a heartfelt thank you, I can’t imagine how it would be like without your help on preparing the photos shooting, being 200% helpful on the gown picking, alteration, routing etc… and it’s always great fun spending time with you, much appreciated!Pls also extend my sincere thanks to the team in Bali. They really turned me into a Queen!! Yani made me so beautiful that Tommy hardly recognized me!! XDD And how can I forget the photographers, with their help on posturing, even my hubby looks like super model, or should I say Bruce Lee?!Even I haven’t met with the other teams, I truly believe choosing Chee’s Wedding is one of the best decision I made, the team is professional, lovely, funny and helpful Thanks for bearing with me, my drunken husband (at 1030am!!) & my friends (fans?), what a huge entourage it was!After this wonderful experience, how can I not sell more about this package to my clients?


We are really happy and appreciated to have the fantastic photos, and professional service provided by Chee’s wedding.Would like to extend our special thanks to Sonny and Yani, who are nice, and great to work with, you make everything so perfect for us. Will not forget Peggy and Francis in HK for sure, without you two, our trips would not run so smooth.The photo is romantic, natural, especially the wonderful shooting in front of the Indian Ocean. The last picture can even say as an artistic product, haha.Again we would like to thank you for every work you did, and we would have no hesitation to recommend all my friends to use your service, since I am sure everyone will enjoy great pictures taken in such a lovely place, Bali.


我們十分滿意Chee’s Wedding 的服務,Esther 及 Jano 給了我們細心及專業的意見,禮服既簡潔又高雅,當地的化妝師都不錯,化了一個很自然亮麗的妝容,十分配合峇里的大自然景色。當地的攝影師十分有禮,還幫我們準備了煙火,我們在海神廟拍的煙火照效果十分好!我們對期待已久的相簿及油畫的效果十分滿意,Esther很耐心聽取我們的意見,並幫我們設計我們心目中的相簿。多謝你們!


真係冇想過到日本影婚紗相。但一次偶然的機會令我們遇到Chee’s Wedding,使我們能到日本京都拍下一輯驚喜又美麗的婚紗相。真感激Chee’s Wedding的安排,我們十分滿意您們為我們製造的精心傑作。




感謝Chee's Wedding愛.婚旅在我們倫敦之旅的短暫陪伴和悉心幫助。 雖然英國的天氣很冷,有時還下著雨,但是工作人員還是很用心的記錄下了我老婆和我甜蜜人生的開始。同時也給我們在英國的旅程增加了一段不一樣且難以忘懷的經歷。 再次感謝Sana & Yuki以及上海Chee's Wedding團隊。祝愿Chee's Wedding愛.婚旅越來越好,把甜蜜帶給更多人。


當我地睇到這次拍攝嘅幾張預告片時,瞬間起曬雞皮… 從曼谷影到華欣,從日出影到日落再影埋日出,全程由攝影師為你以抓拍形式制定一個專屬於你兩公婆的愛情故事!感謝Chee's Wedding 愛·婚旅專業攝影團隊,你地嘅敬業精神同用心做事嘅風格,令我哋萬分敬佩!好開心終於擁有一套我夢寐以求嘅相冊和美好嘅回憶,終生難忘!明年Chee's Family再見!

華瑩 & 周欽愷

感謝Chee’s Wedding在日本婚紗照拍攝過程中的耐心服務,我們對整體拍攝過程及拍攝成果很滿意。因為訂了去日本旅行,想順便把婚紗照拍了~ 可是去日本婚紗照的攝影公司真的很少,機緣巧合在網上看到了Chee's,第一次聊天就把行程定下來了。因為拍攝的第二天就​​是我生日,攝影師還陪我們去買蛋糕,給我拍照留念。整個團隊都很熱情、負責。照片效果還是讓大家都很滿意的。再次感謝你們做出的努力,謝謝!


很高興當初選擇了Chee's Wedding, 拍攝當日的攝影師, 化妝師和導遊真的很熱情親切, 雖然天氣並不是很好, 但為了我們期待的景點很努力的安排,一次去了兩個島, 拍下了許多美麗的回憶照片, 大家也很風趣地幫我們想pose, 還變裝了三套服裝, 從一大早拍攝到晚上8, 9 點, 真的謝謝你們.一日的行程要拍出更多變化的照片真的很難, 建議可以推出兩日的拍攝行程, 相信會讓更多人更滿意.