
Tina & Alex

在我們出發去英國舉辦婚禮前幾天,我腦中突然冒出何不找匹白馬一起拍照的idea,但我心裡想著時間這麼趕 可能來不急找到馬了。沒想到我們抵達英國第二天,傳來好消息: “找到馬了!” 結婚當天那匹漂亮的白馬準時出現在城堡前,不只賓客們 都驚喜尖叫,我們心裡也很開心激動! 謝謝Chee’s Wedding努力幫我們找到心目中的白馬,也讓Alex能過過當白馬王子的乾癮! 而且也拍出了令人 驚艷的婚紗照,讓這個城堡婚禮變成我們和賓客心中最棒的回憶之。


It is hard for us to express the magnitude of gratefulness we have for Chees. Thank you so much for the love and care all along! The disaster in Japan has almost put us in despair as we originally chosen Risonare as our wedding location. Time was limited as we have only a month left, thanks Peggy and Barbara for speeding up the UK project, working day and night, just to make sure we could carry on with our wedding in a place we love on schedule! The process of working with u all on our wedding itself was a great memory to us, you guys are always optimistic, cheerful and helpful, which has eventually swiped away our worries and nervousness! Ripley Castle is beautiful, we are glad that we have chosen to have our wedding ceremony held in this lovely place! And thank you Sana for ur great effort of trying to capture all precious moments for us! We still couldn’t believe we could make it smooth and nice at the end in such a rush! Credits go to u all!