
Ivy & Chris

親愛的 Chee's Wedding愛.婚旅,緣分這東西真是奇妙成就了我們跨過太平洋的相遇也讓我在嘈雜的展會中看到了Chee's的展位感謝Chee's為我們安排了如此美妙的婚禮在藍胖子(哆啦A夢)和野比大雄都羨慕不已的輕井澤森之教會受到了神的祝福當地的工作人員很親切、神父大人也很可愛~要生意興隆哦!順祝各位羊年大吉!

靚 & 怡

很感謝Chee’s Wedding替我們準備的婚禮和老婆商量後選擇了位於日本北海道函館的Lila Note教堂貼心的服務讓我們的新婚之旅變得格外輕鬆愉悅清新的藍天白雲,溫暖的紅磚教堂,神往的碧藍海灣當看到老婆掛著眼淚的幸福笑容時,真的很開心,這一切都是值得的不論在上海還是日本當地,工作人員都很細心和歡樂,感謝你們的精心安排我們都會珍惜這段美好的回憶。

Silvia & Tony

Chee’s Wedding 從服務到專業都很令人滿意及放心, 海外婚禮也辦得很圓滿, 工作人員在寒冬拍攝依舊熱情且服務周全。婚照也非常滿意,這次的山梨縣婚禮令人難忘。Chee’s Wedding 是一間值得推薦給新人的好公司!


We did a lot of research for our wedding and we came across this Japanese resort called Risonare that we really liked. We can’t imagine how much time we would need to spend if we did the coordination by ourselves. Francis and Peggy have really helped us through this crazy process of wedding planning. The wedding day went beautifully and all our family and friends had a wonderful time in Risonare.We really enjoyed working with Chee’s, they really put us at ease and made all the difference.Thank you for everything you have done to make our wedding special.


海外婚禮原來就是輕輕鬆鬆地帶著婚紗、禮服旅行去!我們從一篇網上專題報道認識Chee’s Wedding的名字,還記得標題是「Chee’s Wedding 改寫『額外收費』定律」。坦白說,這確是一粒很有效的定心丸!過去我們在網上做資料搜隻時,常常都看到有準新人申訴婚紗攝影公司或Wedding Planner公司暗藏著很額外收費陷阱,籌備婚禮就像肉隨砧板上似的。而你們由始至終堅守這個「一口價」,不但讓我們能全情貫注在籌備婚禮上,更讓我們享受整個過程。由籌備工作到舉行禮婚只得大半年時間,但我們從不覺得時間倉卒和有甚麼東西會叫我們擔心。每次跑到show room,總是嘻嘻哈哈地完成一個、甚至幾個task(s)。我們由衷地欣賞和感謝你們每一位在我這項「人生大project」付出的心力。由編排婚禮流程到造型配襯,Jano和Rebecca都會鉅細無遺和圖文並茂地羅列在清單上,讓Risonare的同事能對我們的要求一目瞭然;Peggy反覆地研究在婚紗和禮服的修飾,務求讓我們能在婚禮當天成為「最美」。你們總是萬般投入和提供照顧 (不論是婚禮安排,還是我們婚前的心靈照顧),都成就了我們「輕輕鬆鬆旅行結婚去」的理想。此外,即使是大多數人視為傷腦筋的相簿版面設計環節,我們也幾乎不用花任何心思,因為Esther給我們的相簿版面設計,基本上都是沒有挑剔的地方。我們也要感謝在婚禮那天,為我們忙碌了一整天的Sima、熊谷小姐、化妝師小姐和攝影師先生。由早上的婚禮和整天的拍照,我們都能樂在其中,盡情地享受整天的行程。Sima協助我們打點賓客進場,來回穿梭場地好幾趟,讓我們可以全情投入早上的拍照;熊谷小姐和化妝師就一整天給我們最貼身的照顧,遞上披肩、撐傘、仔細修補妝容等,她們專業和一絲不苟的態度,實在值得敬佩和欣賞,甚至叫我有點不好意思呢!另外,攝影師先生總會說笑逗得我們哈哈大笑,結果最自然的笑容和神態就呈現在相片裡。2010年10月25日,是我們畢生難忘的一天和體驗!再一次要謝謝你們。


Perfect Service provided, we are very happy with all photo items and in the whole trip. Professional make-up and photography. Peggy and Esther are very friendly and made us feel very comfortable. We will introduce our friend to come.


Service好好, 不會像一般婚紗店, 有黑面的情形, 員工時常保持着笑容, 熱情款待.於日本拍攝其間, 拍攝人員很用心, 細心指導我們姿態, 也照顧我們, 令我們覺得很安心.


A big thank you to the friendly and professional team at Chee’s Wedding! Upon deciding to have a overseas wedding, the destination I had in mind was Bali. I started doing my research and arrange meetings with a few wedding planners. To my surprise, the packages are ridiculously priced, with alot of hidden costs and answers I get from the staffs were mostly robotic and “practiced standard scripts”. Luckily, without having to look any further, I came across Chee’s doing a search on the internet. Without too much of expectations, I called one day after work inquiring about their wedding ceremony and photoshooting packages. To my surprise, the way Chee’s works is very different from the other companies I’ve spoken to. Peggy was extremely friendly and helpful and answered all the queries that I had. While I always thought I want a wedding with beach and the sun at Bali, Chee’s has got something that is not offered elsewhere – The Leaf Chapel in Risonare is simply too stunning for words. During our first meeting at her office, we were already sold. The listed price includes basically everything, with no hidden costs and there were no old tricks like “you have to pay your deposit now, or else we can’t guarantee the date”. I had my cheque book with me for the deposit and Peggy actually asked me to think twice as she didn’t want to force me into decisions.During the preparation process, the team was patient and catered with all my requests. The dress and tux included was so nice and well made I regret ordering my other dress from the US. There were absolutely no “add-ons” or “options” needed as everything is provided and perfect – the team also gave us extra services like booking for travel package, alteration of the dress I bought myself and booking the venue for dinner in Japan on our wedding night.We were also well taken care of after we arrived in Japan. Things that a bride worries most: makeup and hair-do was done perfectly! Our guests were well taken care of and we had the most memorable day of our lives.I couldn’t have raved more about Chee’s Wedding – anyone who has ever dreamt about a perfect wedding needs to look nowhere else!


很高興當初選擇了Chee's Wedding, 拍攝當日的攝影師, 化妝師和導遊真的很熱情親切, 雖然天氣並不是很好, 但為了我們期待的景點很努力的安排,一次去了兩個島, 拍下了許多美麗的回憶照片, 大家也很風趣地幫我們想pose, 還變裝了三套服裝, 從一大早拍攝到晚上8, 9 點, 真的謝謝你們.一日的行程要拍出更多變化的照片真的很難, 建議可以推出兩日的拍攝行程, 相信會讓更多人更滿意.


日本係我超級喜愛的國家, 一直都想有一個白色的婚禮,如今我的夢想實現了!好多謝chee’s wedding幫我們擔任overseas wedding, 令我能實現一個白色婚禮場面,你們的服務及當地的工作人員都十分體貼地安排,令我們感到很窩心!特別多謝Peggy,你的經驗使我將一切都交予給你。Keith,你的相片安排鋪排得十分精美,好漂亮!日本follow同事非常體貼地安排一切,感受到他們的專業!十分感謝!