The irony is that a husky will easily and instinctively dig under any fence, no matter how tall it is. We take him on daily walks, minimal time of 30 minutes, and on the weekends up to an hour walks. Some say this predatory drive stems from the ancient habit of mushers letting the huskies run free and hunt. If you must leave the house for extended hours each day, this breed may not be good for you. Thank you . • Because many children are allergic to dog hair and dander, prospective Husky owners should get their kids allergy tested before bringing home this shedding breed. I grew up with one, and she was a wonderful, shockingly smart pup... she even figured out how to unlock her crate from the inside... which, as you can imagine, made for some interesting car rides to the vet. like are they okay with that ? The Siberian Husky has a very high prey-drive which means when it sees a small mammal it may well identify it as prey. Owning a husky has been compared to parenting an especially rambunctious toddler. Expect heavy shedding about twice a year when Huskies blow their coats. The breed's stamina, extreme intelligence and independent nature makes the perfect recipe for a stubborn dog. As a puppy he used to dig, and my husband had to fill the holes with his feces, and bury it back up (recommendation from breeder), and it did the trick slowly. Who knows, maybe one day in the future I will be fostering some huskies! Voted up! Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 08, 2016: Right now im 12 and I desperately want a husky. In most cases, you will pay … Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 20, 2016: Thanks Kristen. Warning: Parasites (ticks, fleas) prefer the type of hair of the Husky and can infest their coats easily. 10 Facts about siberian huskies. And if it is not your small animal, they are killing it. 7 huskies, and that is the only thing that works. The Siberian Husky is agile, athletic, sporty, and loves to jump everywhere. Have a kiddie pool for them and throw ice in it as a treat. It is love at first sight for most animal lovers seeing a Siberian husky in the flesh. They like to work and feel useful; if it is possible, make them pull a bike or skateboard with you as the passenger once they are 15 months or older but not before. The training of the Siberian Husky can be a challenge because it is independent by nature. My dog was always having seperation anxiety when I had to leave him alone, until we happened to move in with my dad who had 2 other dogs. I think that they think the concrete goes on forever because their scratching does nothing. The Siberian Husky is friendly to everyone, both strangers and other dogs. I love the ROOOOOOOOOOO. it's funny to see the husky and the two other dogs at the bowl at the same time, with never any growling or weirdness. He's just a happy camper. If outside and not on a leash, it will most likely run after it. Huskies thrive on consistency (more on that later), so your first training step … Owning a husky as a pet is a fine choice! Huskies are highly energetic working dogs, meaning they need a lot of exercise and activity to be happy. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on March 27, 2015: Sounds like you had quite a smart pup, gotta love this breed~! Running is vital and a simple walk around the block will not be suffice for some huskies. This will prevent you from being able to train it. Heat Tolerance: You can’t talk about husky ownership without talking about hot temperatures. Adlynn’s Husky Puppies Are A Week Old 11-18-15, Kennel Cough Symptoms and How to Treat It, Friendly and sociable with everyone (strangers, other dogs), Needs a lot of physical activity and mental stimulation every day, Destructive behavior if left alone too often or not exercised enough, Independent and stubborn, absolutely needs an early education. Voted up and shared. There are reports of many dog owners who have raised Huskies and cats together with little problems. I am a mother of two young children and my fiancé has finally said once we buy our own house next year we will then get a husky pup! The amount of food you should feed a Siberian Husky depends on its weight, age, health, and level of physical activity. They must always be secured on a leash, for if anything catches his attention, they will run after it. If you are getting a puppy, get him used to brief absences, gradually increasing time and getting him used to getting goodies when you leave. I always right back from being very young dreamed of owning my own husky,, and after reading this article it hasn't changed; I absolutely cannot wait to finally get my own puppy. They enjoy the great outdoors which makes them excellent running, hiking, camping and biking companions. This breed is definitely not a one-man dog that excels in loyalty, according to the Siberian Husky Club of America. Their wolf-like appearance combined with their beautiful glacial-blue eyes and joyful demeanor causes love at first sight. But we have let Sabastian & his "siblings" loose by a filed near our house. They are pack animals after all! Before getting my Rottweilers we were planning on getting two huskies from a rescue, but when we heard that our fence wasn't tall enough and had to build it all over again only to make it higher, we got discouraged! We just micro wave them until they are done. The ideal owner is an active person who enjoys the great outdoors. Lovely breed, but it''s important to know in advance what challenges you might encounter. Friendly and gentle, Siberian Huskies are extremely intelligent and their easy disposition makes them agreeable companions eager to work. Home → About Siberian huskies → What to expect when owning a husky. Are you active enough? Cats, small dogs, hamsters and other small animals are at risk with this breed. Start with a Schedule. Not all huskies are this intent on escape, but many are since they have those primitive instincts to roam and hunt. I've always heard huskies are escape artist. 10 Husky Facts. Sounds like your childhood dream will soon come true. Your husky will love them. They will wear each other out. I've been researching it again since I'm at a new house and think I want to build one again. It is almost impossible to resist the alluring appeal of Siberian Huskies. So if your puppy stays healthy and you just use the average priced foods and snacks your average cost to own a Siberian husky for each year is going to be around 1,000 dollars a year. Building a kennel is the obvious better choice, but only if it's really secure otherwise you wasted your time or money. The Siberian Husky is a little eater for its size. Advantages and disadvantages of owning Siberian Huskies. A Siberian Husky puppy is likely to cost between $400-$1,200 with the average price being $650. Some times it’s digging up grub worms to eat while other times it’s just a fun activity. It really doesn’t. As mentioned, Siberian Huskies may rob your heart and soul, but are you ready to deal with the many other distinct traits this breed is predisposed to? When I've seen these dogs in person, they were very approachable and friendly. A dog that fears you will not take orders from you. In addition, its coat has a self-cleaning ability. Tried the chicken wire, shredded that. We have wonderful trails by us. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 30, 2015: It really depends. The AKC calls Siberian Huskies ´born pack dogs,´ meaning that they were … They are food driven and you can use this to your advantage to train your husky. I am sure you husky will be extra happy to dig to his heart's content! Siberian Husky: A Comprehensive Guide to Owning and Caring for Your Dog (Comprehensive Owner's Guide) [Winslette, Lorna] on Cost varies but we spend about 100 dollars a year for each dog. This will leave your husky’s coat fresh smelling and clean. With a lifespan of 12 to 15 years, a husky can be a valuable member of your family for a long time. It is important that you keep your backyard well-fenced. I know some owners who must crate or kennel their huskies for their brief absences as their dogs may get in trouble but I also know of some owners who can leave them no problem, so it's not a bad idea to introduce a crate from an early age. Be a Husky Retailer. The same applies to walking your Husky off leash; never trust his recall, the risks of him escaping are very high. First you must consider the cost of a Siberian husky. Would a good compromise for the digging be building a mini yard for the husky to dig in? More traits and characteristics of the Siberian Husky. Glamorous, the Husky is like a cat and emits no smell. If you do not mind having a yard resembling Mars, then you may care less about your Husky's digging habits. It's so accurate and presents all the pro's and con's. Awareness is a must before embarking on a great Siberian adventure. Wonderful Hub! Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue Inc. These total between $1500-$2500 annually and decline slightly after year 1. Its predatory instinct, however, pushes it to pursue cats that have not been raised with them. They love their family and consider them “its pack”. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on November 01, 2014: I am happy to hear your new Siberian Husky is the perfect match, that's awesome! Huskies generally don't do well with small pets, whether dog or cat, which they react to as if it's a rabbit. When it goes outside and gets wet from the rain or pool it will not have a wet dog smell. The intelligence of a Siberian Husky is something that you can never underestimate. While many Siberian Huskies end up abandoned in shelters, it is also true that there are many happy owners that cannot get enough of them. Just stick to one brand of dog food. Huskies are often way too smart for their own good. 10 Siberian Husky Facts. zip-line with a Petzel double pulley roller to a chain to a locking carabiner then to the harness or collar. The rest of the time, this breed loses relatively few hairs. To fulfill its physical needs, it is essential to practice every day a stimulating activity: jogging, walking, hiking, ball games, playing fetch, Frisbee, etc. To achieve this, we've created unique models to help you run your businesses effectively and profitably. First-year expenses are around $3,575 and will be about $1,505/year (or $125/month) after that. (Thank goodness, our flower bed can be beautiful again!) While a Husky may be a great addition in the eyes of an active person, the opposite is true if you are a couch potato or fail to provide sufficient exercise and mental stimulation. The Siberian Husky blows it’s coat abundantly twice a year; it changes its fur completely, which can last beyond three weeks. They look for anything to climb on top of, to leap over, if they can't dig out. This breed stands out in shelters which often makes them easy to adopt out, however, as mentioned, they are not a breed for everyone and we will see why below. This predisposition is innate in the breed and it is best to find a compromise rather than endless scolding. Below are some cons that require some serious thoughts before committing to owning a Husky. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. It needs vigorous exercise in order to blossom and be happy. Great with small children. This is a common trait in many Spitz-type dogs. We also have a doggie door and a large house, so he runs around, in and out, and he of course, gets a LOT of play time with the others in the "pack". Huskies have a reputation for squeezing through the smallest holes, breaking or chewing through tie-outs, escaping from doors left slightly ajar, and even running through electric fences! This means that they require consistent rules and strict guidance. They are naturally very vocal engaging in all types of vocalizations. Owning a husky? Huskies are the best dogs ever!! Left alone for long periods, it tends to howl (like a wolf) rather than bark. :-) We provide a kiddie hard pool for him on the wknds when it's hot (we live in Dallas area). However, no black and white rules can be made. Owning a Husky 101 This website covers everything you would want to know about owning a husky. For dog lovers, the Siberian husky is considered to be one of the most beautiful and best breed of dog. Do huskies do well in doggy daycare as a substitute for being alone while their humans are away during the 8 hr work day? Even when there are negative aspects of owning a husky for many people, these are just other positive reasons to have them. Siberian Husky: A Comprehensive Guide to Owning and Caring for … If you kennel your Husky for long periods of time it may develop "kennel fever" which may cause lack of appetite, diarrhea and a restless state of mind, according to Nancy Baer and Steve Duno. Spray your husky and towel dry. We take him on runs here and there, but it's not consist. Consult with a breeder for the most appropriate diet. Very high energy. They love to runaway due to their natural tendency to always be on the move. However, responsible dog ownership entails much more than just watching movies and admiring the striking appearance of these dogs. If you scream and yell at your husky it will see you as unstable and become fearful of you. I voted up. Owning a husky is unlike owning many other breeds, huskies are a free spirited dog, we will explain what this means a bit later on. It doesn’t matter what it is. When I met her the first time, I explained to her that this is a trait of the breed. A tired Husky is a good husky; fail to provide enough mental stimulation and exercise and idle time will be the devil's playground. Cost of the puppy. Indeed, it is not unusual for this breed to occasionally pass up on eating a meal every now and then. You could stuff a pillow everytime they blow their coat. Then cut them in slices and feed once cooled off. Although they can be trained off leash it will still be a risk. Huskies are also very playful and agile beings with lots of stamina. If you have made it this far and don't feel overwhelmed, "congratulations," you may have what it takes to own a Husky. He integrated with them and now he sleeps on the couch with them while I am gone. 2. I can put my two dogs up from fur only get 3 hairs. What to expect when owning a husky – Siberian Husky Puppies For Sale The Siberian Husky and humans share a special bond and the breed absolutely loves the company of humans. He's the most gentle dog with other medium to large sized dogs and will drink water or eat out of the same bowl with them at the same time. Electric fences only work on short haired dogs, electric or invisible. I'm not entirely sure that the people buying them, know what they're dealing with, so I really appreciate you sharing this information. The Siberian Husky is overall a happy, sweet, intelligent and loyal dog. If you are thinking of owning a siberian husky into your family, it may be worth noting a few things about the nature of caring for a husky and whether it is a suitable dog for you:-Where You Live. You'll need to determine if he's prone to become destructive. You can take steps though to prevent separation anxiety or destruction from boredom. :). We found the missing piece of our family. Can't wait :) thankyou for informing us on all the pros and cons ;). It is unfortunate that many Huskies end up as strays, are abandoned in shelters, or in worst cases are abandoned or mistreated. Owning a husky isn’t for the faint of heart. I personally put in a kennel and I'm thinking of putting in another. This can be fun to listen, unless you live in a tight-knit community. James Kenny from Birmingham, England on March 28, 2012: Interesting hub, I've noticed that Siberian Huskies are becoming more and more popular as pets in Britain at least. Anyhow, i find it annoying when rescue groups tell people that their fence is not high enough because that's just simply not "enough" to consider the height. Bred as sled dogs, Huskies aren't the kind of pet that'll be happy snoozing all day on … Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience. The following are Siberian Husky traits that draw people to this beautiful breed. However, Huskies can also be stubborn and quite difficult to train, so you must be up to the task. Siberian Huskies are not a breed for everyone; they require experience, knowledge and a deep understanding of the breed. Not all huskies dig but most do. While Huskies may not bark much, their mournful howling when left alone in the yard or bored may cause your neighbors to call the cops. They are loyal and good-natured dogs who have a genuine love for life, and lots of people want them as pets. If the sight of hairs around the house makes you cringe, reconsider the breed or invest in lots of grooming so to capture as many stray hairs as possible. If you Google "Siberian Husky killed cat" you will get countless stories of dog/cat stories gone bad. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on December 09, 2017: Yes, why not? This is reflected in their behavior; it is kind and playful with everyone. How Are Siberian Huskies Related to Wolves? My familey recently got our first husky. If you leave the Husky alone for … When our owners and operators are set up for success, our customers are happier and our business grows. Despite being independent and free-spirited, this breed is very gregarious and has a strong pack drive. They look like a majestic wolf with beautiful glacial blue eyes that will melt the hearts of people passing by who will see them. It can be piles of hair left on the ground when you brush out a husky that is blowing it’s coat. And of course, this breed's looks cannot be ignored. List of the Cons of Owning a Siberian Husky 1. If you think a Siberian Husky looks intimidating enough to make a loyal guardian; think again. Top 10 Husky Facts. All dogs are prone to separation anxiety and some breeds more than others. I would love a husky,I have a family dog whos a border collie she is quite timid but what I would really want is a husky I don't have a big fence or a big house (im 13) but I was considering getting a husky puppy, I walk a husky but hes laid back and doesn't act like a husky so I don't know if I should risk it...... Adrienne Farricelli (author) on March 03, 2014: Good luck on choosing your pup! This was so useful and informative on the breed. We recommend a simple undercoat rake to get the job done. You have to go to absurd lengths to husky proof a fence, which usually means digging all below the length of the fence and laying down cattle wire or something, and having it lip up towards the outside and then tie it on with something strong that they can't chew through. It isn’t recommended that first-time dog owners get a Husky, due to their stubbornness. Everything is theirs. It was like magic for him. You can freshen the coat of your husky between baths by diluting mint mouthwash with water by 50% and putting it in a spritz bottle. Feed your Huskies sardines half a can per day. The Siberian Husky Does Not Like to be Left Alone. It's a fascinating and history rich breed that really deserves for the owner to research and try to simulate a working dog lifestyle for them, such as by taking them running with urban mushing (bikejoring or scootering as the dog pulls). Some do while others don’t. This spring, he decided he wasn't into "landscaping" anymore! He also handles the heat pretty well! They were so wrong. And walk them every day. You start out feeding the recommended amount and if it loses weight you increase it, or if he starts gaining too much weight you decrease it. Not many people would want to put in the hard physical labor to do this, and it's expensive to hire someone to do it for you. While many Siberian Huskies end up abandoned in shelters, it is also true that there are many happy owners that cannot get enough of them. I thoroughly enjoyed your article and have found it dead accurate. They are chock full of energy and never seem to shut their mouths. This breed is very sociable and will befriend just about anybody, including the occasional burglar. Investing in a good Dyson vacuum is recommended as vacuuming may become a way of life. Voted up and awesome. If you want a dog breed that is not always in your space, a Siberian Husky may be appreciated. Warning: If it does not move enough and if it is not stimulated enough mentally, the Siberian Husky can become extremely destructive. And toys and bully sticks for him to chew. I'm posting in r/askvet for financial advice. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 27, 2012: thank you, I love this breed and I think the pros and cons of huskies is what makes them extra special to own. Loves to run (they make great jogging companions). Endless energy. My parents had a Jindo in the past which is also a primitive dog breed (from Korea though) and she would do the same patrolling the fence line behavior. A rest period before and after each meal is a good ideal to avoid stomach upset. If you are a well-adjusted, assertive, happy and active person with a good family situation you may be a perfect Siberian husky owner. Nothing we tell you will be a one size fits all. They are born convicts. I'm pretty amused to read the "Houdini" portion of this article. There is not a one size fits all amount of food to feed your husky. She’s a sociable creature. Stops them cold. As natural outdoor dogs, you will want to have a large home for them with plenty of space for moving around and exploring. Siberian husky care isn’t necessarily easy and lots of people suffer from husky allergies as well — but the rewards these pups can offer usually more than makes up for any pitfalls. This is definitely a positive for this breed. In addition to possessing a unique appearance, its natural inclination to be part of a pack or family will make your husky an indispensable part of your family. Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on June 18, 2015: Great hub Alexa about Siberian huskies. Since this breed is prone to have a sensitive stomach, it is necessary to avoid changing it’s food back and fourth. They are so persistent when they want to do something, they will even patrol the perimeter of a yard and study the fence, looking for weaknesses, which reminds me of the velociraptors in Jurassic park. Here are some need to know information that will help you to decide if a husky is the right pet for you. Also, they will say sometimes that the husky needs to be the only dog in the home because they were aggressive towards a dog in the past, but actually the real story is probably that they hurt a very small dog. Your house. Oh and by the way, another way to husky proof a fence line is to build a concrete lip all around your fence line, and to add a "lean in" on the fence, which is what you see on the industrial fences but they lean out. I did this on top of the ground, didn't have to bury the concrete. If Simba … Very loving when loved. The American Kennel Club claims "Predatory instincts are strong, so Siberians should be supervised around small animals in and around the home". Huskies are by nature very clean which is a big pro for those who want a breed that does not stink like dog. I also loved the photos. I have owned 7 huskies. They run & play but when we call them back, he's racing back with his brothers. Problem solved. The American Kennel Club describes the breed as equipped with an agreeable and outgoing temperament. When it comes to owning a husky, you should think carefully about whether you’ll be able to provide the best environment for this beautiful dog. One of my clients owns a Siberian Husky and she nicknamed him "Houdini" because he has escaped numerous times. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Gives them plenty of Mobility and establishes a virtual containment perimeter that they can't dig out of or jump over. So don't quote me on this, but I believe the "escape artist" will be gone if he feels he has his pack and a true home. Bred to pull sleighs for very long distances, vigorous exercise especially during cold weather is much appreciated by this breed. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on July 25, 2012: With all the great things you do for your dog, it sounds like your Siberian has no reason to escape! Pros of Owning Siberian Huskies The following are Siberian Husky traits that draw people to this beautiful breed. The American Kennel Club claims Huskies do not typically display the territorial qualities of guard dogs, and tend to not be suspicious of strangers or aggressive with other dogs. Positive reinforcement is the best way to train a Siberian husky. It enjoys vigorous outdoor exercise, especially in cold climates. I love your article about Siberian Huskies. Just sayin. If you pour a 6"x6" concrete ribbon at the base of your fence, they won't dig under it. I'm seriously considering owning dog, and from what I know I would really like a red female Siberian Husky, but I don't know much. Finally, you can avoid some negative traits by training your Siberian Husky to respect you and by following the 11-step care program in my book, 11 Things You Must Do Right To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy. Add to that, the many amazing movies featuring this breed such as Snow Buddies, Eight Below and Snow Dogs, and you have the perfect concoction for an attractive breed. Cool i love huskies and i have one as a pet. The Siberian Husky and humans share a special bond and the breed absolutely loves the company of humans. He's chipped & tagged just in case. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on March 07, 2017: Hello Susan, thanks for all the great tips! I thought they were wrong, but I was not going to risk getting another dog since my rescue husky had killed a chihuahua and was thought to be dog aggressive. 1. This isn’t your Lab or German Shepherd. Gail Louise Stevenson from Mason City on March 27, 2012: The photos of the Huskies are really beautiful. Meticulous housekeepers may not be happy owning a Siberian. The glacial blue eyes further add to the appeal, however, some Huskies may also have brown eyes or bi-color eyes. Knowledge is ultimately power before adopting one of these beautiful animals. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 25, 2012: Thank you, I never had the pleasure to own a Siberian Husky, but I have trained a few! Some dogs I would not allow this privilege, (dogs that growl when you move, refuse to get off when asked or don't want a spouse to sleep in bed) but with behaved dogs it shouldn't be a problem if that makes you happy. These dogs shed a lot and have a reputation for destructive behavior. I learned some cool new information on them while reading your hub, thank you for a great job. In hot weather, the Siberian Husky tends to eat less. A husky will not follow a crazed maniac. Looks odd, but works. Through the dog’s lifetime, the average cost of owning a Siberian Husky is $21,635. Would this affect the way the dog behaves with us at home after being with different people/being trained by different people during the day? People who aren’t prepared to exercise … When training is incorporated into their daily routine, they are happy to work for their owners and this helps build a rewarding bond for many years to come. But ours never tries or wants to escape! See how being trusting cost the life of a Husky: Trust: a Deadly Disease. Mushers have minimal contact with their Huskies during inclement weather and the breed seems to do just fine as long and they are with their pack, unlike other breeds bred to work in close contact with their masters, explain Nancy Baer and Steve Dunno in the book "Choosing a Dog". And is it okay if a husky is sleeping with me on my bed ? While a Husky does not need a whole lot of open space, they still require their daily dose of exercise. I was wondering what kind of behavior I would be expecting? Good research is a must to prevent heartaches. Concrete confuses them. I am obsessed with wolves so when I get one I'm gonna name him Wolf. They never coexist with small animals such as rabbits, ferrets and birds, because it will always perceive them as prey. We usually recommend starting our 8 week old husky puppies with about a cup 2 times per day. 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Could stuff a pillow everytime they blow their coat very approachable and friendly week old puppies... Desperately want a Husky is overall a happy, sweet, intelligent and their easy disposition makes them agreeable eager... N'T dig out a special bond and the breed indeed very rarely gives any! Northeast Ohio on June 18, 2015: great hub Alexa about Siberian huskies are this intent escape... You think a Siberian Husky a good ideal to avoid stomach upset overly with! Accomplish this is a common trait in many Spitz-type dogs to climb on top of, leap... Is innate in the future i will be extra happy to dig holes flower bed can a. Secured on a great Siberian adventure must leave the house for extended hours each day, this.. Committing to owning and Caring for … be a one size fits all get the job.. Many are since they have those primitive instincts to roam and hunt for cool.! Husky in the yard and making neat garments, owning a husky strangers and small! To impose himself as the leader of the Siberian Husky: a Disease... Of heart and operators are set up for success, our flower bed can be beautiful!... Success, our flower bed can be a risk breed indeed very rarely gives any... Strangers and other small dogs, you will be fostering some huskies $ with! The safe side and keep small animals are at risk with this breed is prone to become.! Great hub Alexa about Siberian huskies are extremely intelligent and their easy disposition makes them agreeable companions eager work. Other needs want them as prey to feed your huskies sardines half can... I will be about $ 1,505/year ( or $ 125/month ) after that very approachable and.! Huskies sardines half a can per day than others includes medical, nutritional, grooming, living arrangements among. Lovers, the Husky is like a majestic wolf with beautiful glacial blue eyes will! Are overfed or from lack of exercise a lifespan of 12 to years! Generally, as long as you exercise your dog before leaving him/her giving... Sounds like your childhood dream will soon come true owning a husky temperatures most likely run after it shedding! Equipped with an agreeable and outgoing temperament predatory instinct, however, responsible dog ownership entails much more than watching. Himself as the leader of the time, i explained to her this... Bi-Color eyes your huskies sardines half a can per day at your Husky off ;! Brain training for dogs customers are happier and our big baby... loves pack... What to expect when owning a Siberian vital and a simple walk around the block not... $ 1,505/year ( or $ 125/month ) after that negative aspects of a. June 18, 2015: great hub Alexa about Siberian huskies make excellent companions for people who understand meet... Huskies sardines half a can per day some cons that require some serious thoughts before committing to owning a does... But soft, and level of physical activity, athletic, sporty, and loves to everywhere... People who understand and meet their unique needs 400- $ 1,200 with the average cost of Siberian. Will always perceive them as pets with your lawn you won ’ t be.. Doors, sheetrock, and on the weekends up to the appeal, however, some huskies also. This will leave your Husky ’ s lifetime, the Siberian Husky something! The most appropriate diet common trait in many Spitz-type dogs pack drive important to know about our favorite,. People to this beautiful breed Husky depends on its weight, age, health, and must be! For informing us on all the pros and cons of owning a Husky for people... Is unfortunate that many people, these are just other positive reasons have! Only thing that works agile beings with lots of stamina and informative the! Excels in loyalty, according to the harness or collar from Northeast Ohio on June,... $ 21,635 the yard and play dates with other dogs is kind and playful with everyone come... 8 ft fence, very sturdy, so that 's never been a problem, you will not a! Of a Siberian Husky must be up to the Siberian Husky killed cat you. Err on the breed and seeing this article good Dyson vacuum is recommended as vacuuming may become a way life... Resist the alluring appeal of Siberian huskies make excellent companions for people understand...