Cattle are much less able to tolerate saline water. Hydrogen sulfide is the compound that causes the rotten egg smell related to sulfur. Lime-sulfur, which is a complex of sulfides, may cause irritation, discomfort, or … • Requirement for sulfur – 0.15% of DM. Water with 0.25% salt caused significant reductions in milk yields. The MTL for sulfur was set at 0.3% for high-concentrate diets and 0.6% for high-forage diets. These cattle exhibited many of the symptoms listed above although they were unable to verify the apparent toxicity clinically from abnormally high rumen or blood S concentrations. While most forms of sulfur are relatively nontoxic, hydrogen sulfide is highly toxic to cattle. • Maximum tolerable concentration – 0.40 % of DM. were identified as being of frequent concern for toxicity in cattle: cadmium, copper, fluorine, lead, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, and sulfur. Effects of High Sulfur Intake. cattle. When dietary sulfur is consumed by ruminants it is reduced to sulfide by ruminal microorganisms. Sulfur. Research findings have clarified many aspects of how toxicity occurs, how the cattle respond to excess sulfur intake, and suggest that many dairy operations may have excess sulfur intake as well. Avoiding Mineral Toxicity in Cattle. Sulfur levels in distiller’s grains generally range from 0.4% to 1.0% of dry matter. – B-vitamins thiamine and biotin. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much sulphur in DDGs to poison cattle. In a case study in Michigan, subclinical sulfur toxicity was suspected in dairy cows and heifers. In addition, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, three of the most common minerals in beef cattle diets, were identified as being of occasional concern for toxic-ity. The Need for Sulfur • Essential nutrient for beef cattle. Sulfur deficiency symptoms include decreased feed intake, unthrifty appearance, dullness of … Elemental sulfur is considered one of the least toxic minerals, however, hydrogen sulfide, a product of sulfate metabolism in the rumen, is as toxic as cyanide (NRC, 2000). Considerable attention has been given to high sulfur levels in ethanol byproducts and the affect this may have on cattle health and performance. September 2009 – Amino acids methionine, cysteine, and cystine. The studies into finding methods that allow feeding high sulphur diets to cattle without reducing performance or causing toxicity have been extensive and on-going. Sulphur from different sources. Symptoms include progressive. ... water deprivation and the resulting salt toxicity, lead poisoning and sulfur toxicity. Specific toxic dosages are not known but probably exceed 4 g/kg. Elemental sulfur is practically devoid of toxicity, although poisoning has occurred occasionally when large amounts were mixed in cattle feed. Sulfur (S) plays a key role in ruminant animal nutrition. Toxicity from iron can result in enteritis, liver necrosis, icterus and hemoglobinuria. Sulphur toxicity in cattle begins when the total intake of sulphur from DDGs and other feed ingredients and sulphates in water exceeds an invisible boundary of 0.4 per cent of cattle’s dry matter feed intake. Dietary levels of sulfur that are above 0.4 percent of the dry matter are considered potentially toxic. Most ruminants need 0.18 to 0.24 percent dry matter of dietary sulfur. Excessive sulfur interferes with the metabolism of selenium, copper, molybdenum and thiamin. In addition, toxicity from zinc will result in lesions of gastroenteritis, renal necrosis and liver necrosis. The requirement for dietary sulfur is 0.2%. • Essential nutrient for rumen microbes. Many mineral toxicities can cause liver necrosis, and we have seen cases of this at KSVDL with histories that indicate mineral over supplementation. At the moment it appears the best method and remedy to prevent sulphur toxicity in cattle is careful regulation of total dietary sulphur intake.