



多謝Chee’s 給我們這次難忘經驗!一般海外婚禮,很多人會選擇峇里、關島等地,但我們一見到日本輕井澤的「石之教堂」,就十分喜歡,那裡真的很美,教堂天然建築配上聖誕裝飾,是個很特別的結婚場地。感謝Chee’s 的安排,令我們可以在12年12月12日這特別日子行禮。其實在到日本之前,Chee’s 一直很友善,由選婚紗禮服、化妝首飾,到安排日本的接待人員,都詳盡解釋,悉心提點,不嫌麻煩;回到香港後安排的相簿製作,都令我們很滿意。另外日本的工作人員都很有禮貌和很專業,令我們這次旅程很安心。


We had our first visit and meeting with Peggy on February 2011 and confirmed to join Chee’s wedding for Risonare’ s pre-wedding photos taking package right after the visit (without a second of hesitation). After a few months later, we decided to further join the wedding package and have our wedding ceremony, marriage registration and the pre-wedding photo shot all taken in Japan.Around one month after we confirmed the pre-wedding package, there was a disastrous earthquake in the north east region in Japan, Peggy at once sent us email to report for the situation, and she had also emailed us to update the situation in Japan in the next few weeks after the earthquake. We had concerned about the situation in Japan and had even planned for changing the location for our pre-wedding trip, and Peggy is so patient to explain and advise us the choice we could make and allowed us to change the venue of the pre-wedding photos taking in case we request. We truly feel that she concerns about what customers need and always put customers’ needs at first priority.We finally decided to stick to our original plan and went to Risonare for taking pictures and held a wedding ceremony there on October 2011. During the few months’ time before our wedding, Peggy and her team had made good arrangement on different aspects such as gown and make-up trial, hotel accommodation arrange for our family, to prepare list for our wedding etc, they had helped to reduce our workload and let us better prepare for our wedding.Thanks to detailed arrangement by Peggy and her team in both Hong Kong and Risonare, we had a wonderful trip and all pictures taken were sweet and natural. The rundown for the whole wedding ceremony and photo taking is so perfect, even though the ceremony and photo taking were done on the same day, we do not feel it is tight and rush. We do enjoy a lot during the planning, the wedding day and the photos selection process.Until present, we are still attracted by the pictures taken in that beautiful Zone Leaf Chapel, and all the precious moment during our trip.Thanks again to all outstanding professionals in Chee’s wedding for giving us this memorable wedding. We will highly recommend Chee’s wedding to our friends and relatives.


We had a wonderful experience for having our wedding ceremony in the Stone Church. We do appreciate and thanks for the hard work for Chee’s team and Hotel Bleston Court’s team to making our trip so wonderful.I would like to take this opportunity to thanks for Peggy and Yuki helping me to choose my gown. I’m so surprise that they did ask for details on what kinds of gown that I like and they did look for it for me. Now, my gown is just perfect to the Stone Church.Before we travelled to Karuizawa, we were so worry the sakura has not blossom yet as Karuizawa were still quite cold at that moment. However, our worry has gone when we met with Yuki, our organizer from Hotel Bleston Court. We were so impressed when she told us she had site visit the place that we were going to have photo shoot with sakura on her day off (the day before our big day). She told us that sakura in that place had not yet blossom and she immediately looked for another place to recommend us. Finally, we got our pictures with 100% blossom sakura.Yuki and Hotel Bleston Court’s team did impressed us a lot for planning our trip. Let me make it short here to summarise their excellent services. When we arrived the hotel, we just need to throw all wedding related stuffs to them, everything were well prepared in next day. More than that, they offered us with free coupon for enjoying hot spring before the day of our big day for relaxing. Besides, they have arranged a staff who can speak Putonghua to guidance our relatives in our big day. And, Yuki had followed us for whole day to take care of us attentively. We do appreciate the hard work of Hotel Bleston Court’s team.

Yolanda & Benjamin

超級多謝Chee’s Wedding既安排令我地係日本同香港既婚禮都進行得好順利!!! 他們十分Professional, Service好到不得了!!! 去日本行禮既事完全唔使擔心, 出發前已經安排好哂. 雖然我地行禮影相個日打風, 但日本團隊表現專業, 照顧周到, 令我們既ceremony同影相可以如期進行, 影出來既相仲很有質素!!! 我地係香港擺酒日期緊迫, Chee’s Wedding Peggy Keith很幫忙, 好快就process完D相簿, 仲有Yuki係服裝上的幫忙, Really thanks!! 雖然日本既package已完成, 但Chee’s Wedding亦提供意見及服務, 幫左我地係香港擺酒好多, 令成件事都好順利!! Many Many Thanks to Chee’s Wedding !!

Carlomen & Cheyan

我們於2010年11月逛婚展時認識Chee’s Wedding的, 第一眼已經被安籐忠雄設計的水之教堂深深吸引住, 所以, 我們決定到北海道拍攝屬於我們的Pre-Wedding相片。由於我們選擇於下雪季節進行拍攝, 起初我們真有點擔心拍攝會否順利進行, 幸好香港的Chee’s Wedding同事細心安排所有流程、婚紗及禮服等, 更於我們出發前提醒我們須留意的地方, 令我們放心出發。在日本北海道Tomamu渡期村的幾天, 過得非常開心、難忘。日本當地的接待員非常親切有禮, 表現亦很專業。在此, 想讚賞你們的服務, 令我們擁有一次相當難忘的日本Pre-Wedding之旅。我仲想多謝出發前細心為我們Pack好拍攝禮服、飾物的Yuki。回港後, 亦想多謝Keith幫我們整理精美的相簿及音樂DVD。如果有朋友結婚, 一定向他們推介你們的服務!Thank you so much to Chee’s Wedding Team ! ;)