

感謝Chee’s Wedding為我們安排在峇裡的Pre-wedding及Wedding Day,令婚禮得以順利進行,讓我們和家人留下難忘的回憶。我們的婚禮揀選了在Infinity Chapel舉行,教堂獨特的外型,加上海天一色的景致,令人留下深刻而美麗的回憶。雖然我們由決定結婚到行禮的日子較為緊迫,但Chee’s Wedding為我們提供了不少專業的意見及服務。服裝方面,Yuki在我們揀選婚紗、禮服及配飾時,她細心的講解及專業的態度,確實給予我們不少寶貴的意見。此外,Peggy亦替我們安排了交通及行禮當天晚飯餐廳的資料給我們,那兒的佈置很有地道色彩,家人和朋友們都甚表欣賞。而在化妝和攝影方面,當地的化妝師和攝影師均表現得很專業及有耐性,為我們人生中記錄了美麗的一頁。


多謝你們的幫忙, 才令我們的婚禮順利舉行。每次有新到的婚紗時,都會第一時間通知我們來試衫,還會順應我們的要求,提供我們理想的婚紗。我們每次試衫都會試好多件,你們都不厭其煩地協助我們去試及幫我們影相留底,直至我們找到一件鍾意而合適的婚紗及禮服為止。還有,你們會在香港預先準備在外地場地的佈置,你們的細心服務,令我們可以放心地進行婚禮。我們是在峇厘舉行我們的婚禮,特此亦想讚揚當地的團隊,化妝師:化得好自然,令新娘及新郎真的很美;攝影師+燈光師:所影的相片很有質素,而且很快將相片處理好並交到我們手中,以便我們第一時間欣賞最美的一刻。回到香港,亦會第一時間處理我們的相片,很快我們便收到相簿的初稿,我們亦都很滿意,因此,我們便很快收到相簿及油畫。真的很感激每一位幫助的人員,才能令我們的婚禮開開心心地完成,使我們留下美好的回憶。


It can be a long story about my wedding in Bali, but anyway, cut it short….My husband and I decided to get married in Bali in around Sep 2009 and that’s when I took my first visit to Chee’s wedding. We are both the type of laid back type of person, we love the sun and beaches so much. We always hate the traditional type or the Taiwan style wedding photos, they are really like the “cut & paste” type of wedding photos without showing the real characters of the couples. All the photos by Chee’s Wedding are so sweet and natural. You can really tell how loving the couples are. Also Peggy can always tell me the stories behind those pictures. After visiting Chee’s wedding, one thing that cannot get out of my head is one of the photo where the couples are standing at the middle of a infinity swimming pool. It looks awesome and I immediately said “ I want to take one of these pictures “. The second thing that makes me picked Chee’s is their One Price policy. Very reasonable price andI don’t need to worry how much I need to pay after taking the photos. With this fixed price, I can get all my high RES photos back, unlike some other shops with just Low resolution files or need to buy back pictures with a premium price.Thanks Peggy and her team for their patient to explain where we can take pictures and give us ideas on the routing. Also it is nice to take pre-wedding photos together with another two friends’ couples in Bali (the day before and the day after). We went to Bali in May 2010 for our pre-wedding and wedding. Although it has been 7 months already, but we still look at our pre-wedding pictures by Chee’s wedding from time to time. I love the photos where we took at the centre of the swimming pool in Alila Ubud. We love the photos where we took at Bali Museum, Rice Terrance and Tanah lot. We love our pictures sooo much~~~~~ We simply love everything by Chee’s, The photo snapshot crystal frame and the sunset photo at Tanah Lot in the big canvas are our favourite. The big canvas really looks like a very nice painting where you will never feel sick of it (as you may get sick of your romantic wedding picture in 10 years time). Thank you again for all the lovely photos and memories.

Iris & Raymond

好開心今次Chee’s Wedding擔任我們Overseas Wedding and Pre-Wedding, 我們初初都非常擔心, 因為身處外地, 但Chee’s Wedding同事向我講解清楚之後就非常安心, 就算我在外地遇到問題時你們也能立刻助我解決問題, 當回港後所有後期服務都十分好, 在此感謝你們!!特別感謝”Keith”他將我們的相簿排列, 非常精美!! 所以我也介紹了我哥哥來找你們當他的Pre-Wedding!!